I may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post.
As a teenager, I wrote letters, not notes. I could sit down and write a friend or significant other letters that went on for pages and pages . . . much to their chagrin I’m sure. But each of those letters was signed, “Love Always, Meg”. I really believe that love lasts, it may change and look different and a relationship may not be what it was before but that doesn’t change the love that was there. I try very hard to love and to spread love to those around me through kindness, compassion, friendship, and sometimes just simple courtesy. I am not always perfect with this intention, but I sure do try.
I try very hard to love and to spread love to those around me through kindness, compassion, friendship, and sometimes just simple courtesy.
I have always felt I can express my feelings and thoughts more clearly in text than in spoken words. When things are hard, my emotions often run over when I try to speak and I second guess what I need to say and wind up not saying it at all, which doesn’t make for great communication at times . . . but give me a piece of paper and a pen or a keyboard and an email screen and I can say it all.
This blog will be about my life, which is complicated and messy and always an adventure. That adventure isn’t always fun, but it is always teaching me something and I hope you will stick around to learn with me.
So, a little about who I am. I am a lot of things but I’m going to start with some basics. I am a mom. My kiddos are 10 and 15 and I think they are pretty cool people for the most part. My daughter, 10, is autistic with, currently, pretty low support needs. That hasn’t always been the case but I am amazingly thankful for all the growth we have seen over the last few years. She is bright, funny, and sees the world in a very different way than I do somedays which leads to adventures. My son, 15, is an amazing young man who is already significantly taller than me, is a pretty good driver (don’t tell him I said that), is a darn awesome baseball player, and happens to have more than a couple handfuls of rare/uncommon diseases that he fights through every day in order to live his life. He is also the founder of an awesome little non-profit called Ferocious Fighters that supports other kids who are fighting one of his conditions known as CRPS (Complex Regional Pain Syndrome). His empathy and his health have triggered many adventures over the years.
I am also a teacher. I have taught special education for the last 8 years in a non-traditional public charter school in Colorado. Teaching is always a collection of adventures but this school has some extra flair because of all the travel that has been involved. Not many teaching jobs leave you with stories that involve vultures on rural highways and blizzards that leave you stranded in the mountains. It is a challenging job but my coworkers and boss are amazing and I have grown a lot as a mentor and a teacher while working this job.
In my spare time I am President of Ferocious Fighters. Patrick wasn’t old enough to sign documents when he started the non-profit at 10 and he still isn’t now and despite a zero dollar marketing budget and no paid staff, Ferocious Fighters has grown enormously. We will be 5 years old in November and are currently supporting almost 1000 families all over the world. It is a bit overwhelming at times but the smiles on all those kids faces makes the extra work and time worth it.
Other than those things, I try to be a good friend/sister/daughter/etc. (operative word try), I’m doing some projects on our house, I’m losing weight on a keto plan (almost 100 lbs down), and I work hard to see life as an adventure, no matter what it throws at me.
I work hard to see life as an adventure, no matter what it throws at me.
I hope that you will take some time to join me on this adventure and that maybe I will write something that speaks to you and you will let me know.
Love Always, Meg
Erika Steusloff
You forgot to mention that you are a BADASS! A lifesaver! The most open and giving person ever! And a lot of people wouldn’t be here or where they are at today without you!!! I love and miss you so much friend ❤️!
Thanks Erika. I just try to do my best and to make sure that my students know that I care and want the best for them. It is so nice to hear from you!
Your words are beautiful and I feel that I can relate to them as much as many other moms out there. I hope you will continue to share your feelings on this blog and with the Ferocious Fighters!